Lake Design

The design and engineering for the restoration of natural streams or construction of new streams is a complex endeavor. For stream renovation, it can include hydrological analyses, floodplain analyses (HEC-RAS modeling), cross sectional habitat surveys, longitudinal profiles, assessment of sediment transport loading, bed materials sizes, fisheries surveys, and macroinvertebrate surveys. From these parameters, a conceptual design can be formulated that will combine the hydraulics of the river with the goals of the landowner. Once approved, ACI develops final design and construction documents for permitting (404/401 permitting) and construction of the stream restoration.

Although artificial streams aren’t quite as complex as natural systems, significant design and engineering is required to create a system with adequate flow to provide aesthetic appeal and a quality fishing experience. Available water, gradient, and water use are all considered when designing an artificial stream. Grade control structures are placed in the appropriate locations to ensure that riffles, runs, and pools are created and the stream performs similarly to a natural stream.