Cerro Pelon Ranch


Cerro Pelon Ranch is the largest Western movie set in the United States and still includes some of the original Silverado buildings. The owner of the ranch is very conscientious about the environment, and the “green movement” is evident throughout the ranch.

The “Horse Facility” includes a residence, a horse barn, and a cutting arena. The owner envisioned a water amenity adjacent to the residence that would allow the horses to water and improve the aesthetics of the property. ACI was contracted to build the piano shaped lake that is bisected by a walking pathway for the horses. The pathway leads from the horse barn to the cutting arena, and is unique in that it gives the appearance that the horses are walking on water. One end of the lake is gently sloped to allow horses to enter the water, while the other sides are concrete walls with built-in lighting. The lake is lined with mechanical attachments to the concrete walls to prevent seepage loss, and an aeration system helps to maintain lake health.